Tuesday 30 August 2016

La ricerca di un piatto di stomaco potrebbe risiedere nella respirazione diaframmatica

Lo sapevate che la ricerca di abs piatta è più facile di quanto si pensi? Ecco un suggerimento per arrivare nella giusta direzione. Nei libri di anatomia di Thomas Myers,lo  linea profonda Front è una delle chiavi. La maggior parte delle persone tendono a respirare attraverso il torace spingendo gli organi sotto l'ombelico. Se volete una bella pancia piatta provare la respirazione diaframmatica.

Ecco cosa fare:
1.First a mettere un schiena sul pavimento con indumenti larghi
2.Put una mano sul petto e uno sul vostro stomaco. Stephane Andre come un maestro allenatore mi ha insegnato a pensare ... '' sabbie mobili '' e lasciare che la tua mano sulla pancia per essere come un peso che affonda!
3.Inspirer attraverso il naso o attraverso le labbra serrate (per rallentare prendendo inspirazione ed espirazione).
4.Quando la vostra ispirazione, spingere l'addome / stomaco e sentire il tuo crescere lo stomaco sotto la mano.
5. scadere le labbra serrate per controllare il rilascio dell'aria mentre si stringe lo stomaco come un cilindro.
6. Prendere una pausa e ripetere.

Ora è il momento di portare i organi verso il basso:

1-Put sulla schiena con le gambe 90 gradi rispetto alla larghezza dei fianchi e piedi contro un muro.
2 Effettuare una estensione dell'anca spingendo contro il muro e eseguire  una respirazione diaframmatica e tornare alla posizione di partenza
Pausa 3.Take e ripetere.

Ora i tuoi organi sono più alti, godere di un ventre piatto e sano!


Il a été écrit que pour frapper votre marque dans la vie il faut suivre le code de bushido avec l'exclusion de son propre l'intérêt tout en mettant un effort honnête dans la tâche entreprise.

* La mentalité du samouraï sur la correction de ses erreurs *

On dit qu'il ne faut pas hésiter à se corriger quand il a fait une erreur. S'il se corrige sans le moindre retard, ses erreurs vont rapidement disparaître. Mais quand il essaie de dissimuler une erreur, il deviendra d'autant plus douloureuse.

* Laissez toujours vos actions parlent plus fort que vos paroles ... TOUJOURS! *

En Chine, il y avait une fois un homme qui aimait les images de dragons, et ses vêtements et ameublement ont tous été conçus en conséquence. Sa profonde affection pour Dragons a été portée à l'attention du Dragon Dieu, et un jour, un vrai dragon parut devant sa fenêtre. On dit qu'il est mort de peur. Il était probablement un homme qui parlait toujours de grands mots, mais agir différemment face à la vraie chose.

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Monday 29 August 2016

Montreal's Posturology Center: what is Postural Restoration?

The postural restoration Institute is a technique that utilizes the diaphragm to correct postural deviations. These techniques are efficient and can fix many problems in the human body such as lower back pains, knee pains and shoulder pains.

This technique also teaches clients to breathe properly through the diaphragm (Diaphragmatic breathing). In this pictures, I am teaching a group to release a shoulder pain using a paravertebral inhibition stretch.

The classes given by the PRI are very advanced and are used by the NBA and professional sports around the world. Come and experience it for yourself at the The Fitness Fix Montreal. 3575 Parc Avenue Suite 5501, Mtl Qc

How-To Build/Stretch The Lats&Chest Combo (EASIEST STRETCH EVER!) At Gym...

mobile website: www.thefitnessfixmontreal.com
How-To Build/Stretch The Lats & Chest Combo(EASIEST STRETCH EVER!)  At Gym or Home. First of all, let me start by saying that this stretch SHOULD NOT be used by people with shoulder impingements. So people with AC Joint Impingements beware! Now that this out of the way, I will demonstrate in this video how you can stretch your chest and back for optimal results in the gym or at home.  This Stretch is called the '' Latissimus Hang Stretch''.

Remember that the purpose of stretching is to have full ROM before working out. It is said that to obtain an optimal pump on a muscle, you must have 90% of the muscles original length. So for upper body  buffs or bodybuilders this stretch is for you! Enjoy!


Saturday 27 August 2016

Montreal's no.1 Posturology Center!

Our posturology center uses the widest variety of treatments to fix any injury on the body. 

Here are a few techniques used by our Clinic:
1- Kinesiology
2- Postural Restoration Institute (osteopathy)
3- Myofascial meridian techniques
4- Modern Posturology (Jaw occlusion, shorter leg, scars & vision problem)
5- Massage therapy
6- Holistic approach Nutrition
7- Facilitated Stretching Specialists
8- Rock Tape Doctors (kinesiology taping)
And much more...

Check us out !
Patrick Gravel, Nd
Nathalie Fournier, RMT

Friday 26 August 2016

Почему вы "НУЖНО", работать манжета ротатора ...

здесь почему обучение вашей вращающей манжеты плеча является столь важным: хорошим примером будет жим лежа упражнения. Иногда нам не хватает возможности для улучшения прочности, так вот небольшой совет советов для всех вас стремится к увеличению прочностью. Стабилизаторы (вращающей манжеты) основной мышцы работали в жима физических упражнений (грудными) имеют более высокий кол-мышечных веретен. Мышечные веретена проверить скорость сжатия и как быстро вы можете генерировать энергию от этой мышцы.

Так что в скорлупе ореха, если у вас есть слабые стабилизаторы мозг не хотят увеличивать нервно-мышечную реакцию. Вот почему все слабее и более нестабильным сторона всегда имеет трудное время следующей сильной стороне. Так что если вы думаете, что вы будете иметь большую скамейку с помощью машин и короткие изменяя ваши вращающей манжеты плеча! Вот почему некоторые из самых сильных гимнасткой в мире, может жим лежа 315pds, когда мы изо всех сил, чтобы достичь этого!

COME reinventare una sessione di cardio! PENSARE Fartlek ...

Ti senti annoiato di fare cardio sulla stessa tapis roulant tutti i giorni? Mai sentito parlare di formazione Fartlek? Fartlek è un termine svedese che significa '' gioco di velocità ''. Il suo un modo divertente per cambiare il modo di vedere cardio e un ottimo modo per ridurre lo stress sul medesimo comune a causa di più l'utilizzo dello stesso pezzo di attrezzature cardio.

Ecco un esempio di come eseguire un "programma cardio Fartlek".

Vai a un parco o una zona remota con i multi livelli e Plainfields. Iniziare la sessione cardio con una veloce passeggiata per 5 minuti quindi passare il passo per una corsetta leggera. Mantenere il ritmo per 5 minuti quindi passare ad un comodo passo di corsa per i prossimi 5 minuti. Da questo momento in poi, semplicemente divertirsi con la velocità / ritmo per il resto della sessione cardio. Non solo si ottiene il godimento puro fuori dalla tecnica, ma si potrebbe trovare se stessi sudare molto più del solito. Questa tecnica può essere utilizzato su qualsiasi pezzo di attrezzature cardio o presso il più vicino parco o sentiero natura santuario.


Voici une astuce pour activer le vaste interne dans les gens qui sont dominant dans les quadriceps. Cette astuce m'a été donné par Bob McAtee. Il suffit prendre une boîte de café en métal et la mettre sous votre genou. Ensuite, faites l'extension avec l'amplitude disponible en appuyant avec une légère pression sur la cuisse intérieure près de votre genou, faire 2 séries de 15 répétitions. Méfiez-vous si vous avez hypermobilité ...éviter de bloquer le genou en extension complète car cela n'est jamais une bonne idée! Avec plus de stabilité dans votre genou, c'est le temp de faire vos squat...


Cet exercice est un mouvement de restauration postural classique. Ceci est probablement le mouvement le plus puissant que j'ai jamais vu dans ma vie en ce qui concerne la respiration diaphragmatique. L'ensemble du concept repose sur apportant de l'oxygène vers la droite diaphragme qui est plus grande de 33% sur le côté droit. Ce mouvement peut fixer toute entorse à l'épaule sur le côté gauche. Restez à l'écoute pour la vidéo complète sur le Stretching Samurai sur YouTube.

1-Vous étendre sur le dos avec vos pieds à 90degrees sur le mur avec un "ballon'' de 4-6 pouces entre vos genoux
2- Faire une Retrovertion votre bassin de 10 degrés vers le haut tout en appliquant une pression sur les deux talons pour soulever le bassin du sol. Ne pas appuyer dans le mur
3- Lever le bras droit afin d'inhiber le (dos)latissimus dorsi
4- La respiration par le nez que vous vous sentez le côté droit de votre paroi moulée et à la poitrine élargir
5- Expirez par la bouche Gentillement et rappelez-vous de ne pas respirer par le cou, mais à travers le diaphragme.
6- Répétez quatre à cinq respirations et un à trois ensembles au besoin.

Note à tous, cet exercice est effectué en utilisant un ballon, mais mon client ne peut pas gonfler un ballon pourtant si je lui faire pratiquer sans un.

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Ceci est un deadlift assez standard. Cet article a pour but est de démontrer des éléments clés dans réadaptation des  connexions neuronales avec des points de référence dans le corps.

La première chose que vous remarquerez, est le placement des pieds lors du démarrage de son deadlift. Dernièrement sur YouTube, ce qui a été connu comme des squats asiatiques.

Le deuxième point à remarquer de référence est la poignée droite de supination de la main. Son épaule droite étant en rotation vers le haut, ce grip est excellent pour renforcer dans une rotation vers le bas autour de la faiblesse des muscles qui omoplate.

Et enfin les deux derniers points de référence clés. Comme il effectue ses représentants, il se concentre sur les points de référence dans ses pieds. Sur son pied gauche, il doit se concentrer et pousser dans le talon . Alors que sur son pied droit, il doit se concentrer sur une poussée intérieure Arche utilisant le bord interne de son pied. Ainsi la création d'aucune rotation controlatérale ou ipsilatéral tout en effectuant son deadlift.

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Thursday 25 August 2016

#1 Best Stretch For Triceps: Easy, Fast Stretch for Growth & Maximum Res...

mobile website: www.thefitnessfixmontreal.com
#1 Best Stretch For Triceps : Easy, Fast Stretch for Growth & Maximum Results in the Gym. In this video, I will show you  the best stretching method using Robert McAtee's ''Facilitated Stretching''. To do this stretch, you will need a band and a bench or anchor. This is a passive stretch but you may perform the stretch in an active way if your wish. Enjoy!

FOR MORE INFO ON ''FACILITATED STRETCHING bY Robert McAtee'' go to Amazon , or www.stretchman.com

thks for watching, please SHARE , LIKE , COMMENT & SUBSCRIBE!

Wednesday 24 August 2016


Its has been written that hitting your mark in life is following the bushido code & excluding self-interest while putting an honest effort in the task undertaken.

*The Samurai's mentality on correcting one's mistakes*

It is said that one should not hesitate to correct himself when he has made a mistake. If he corrects himself without the least bit of delay, his mistakes will quickly disappear. But when he tries to cover up a mistake, it will become all the more Unbecoming and painful.

*Let you actions speak louder than your words... ALWAYS! *

In China there was once a man who liked pictures of dragons, and his clothing and Furnishings were all designed accordingly. His deep affection for Dragons was brought to the attention of the Dragon God, and one day a real dragon appeared before his window. It is said that he died of fright. He was probably a man who always spoke big words but acting differently when facing the real thing.

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Saturday 20 August 2016


mobile website: www.thefitnessfixmontreal.com
TRAP BAR DEADLIFTS VS RUSSIAN SQUAT WITH TRAP BAR. The Trap bar is very popular in the world of bodybuilding and fitness. In this video, I wanted to address a question that i am always asked... Is this exercise a deadlift or a squat?

The answer depends on the feet positioning. The ''TRAP BAR DEADLIFTS'' are done with the feet pointing forward and the ''RUSSAIN SQUAT WITH TRAP BAR''  depends on the posture of the individual. The tighter the IT Band and the more the feet will externally rotate outwards.

The moral is that this exercise is a full body workout that will target the legs, core and traps. Another good thing is that this exercise can even be done by people with lower back pain. This piece of equipment is a must in all gyms!

Please subscribe to our channel! thks

Thursday 18 August 2016

How-To: Tricep Pushdown for Corrective FHP/Upper Cross Syndrome - Rhombo...

mobile website: www.thefitnessfixmontreal.com
How To Tricep Pushdown for Corrective FHP/Upper Cross Syndrome - Strengthen Rhomboid & Lower/Mid Trap Exercise.
Here is a creative way to strengthen all the postural muscles of the upper body in one exercise.

The purpose of this exercise is to get Lower Trap and Tricep on the right side while correcting forward head posture. This exercise is also excellent for strengthening the rhomboid and mid traps. Please note: Do not strain your neck while doing this exercise. So respect the range of motion of each shoulder blade when performing this exercise.

Also please refer to my other posts on postural restoration to bring the upper body to neutral before performing this exercise:

*Corrective Exercise for Forward  Head Posture/Upper Cross Syndrome - Strengthen Rhomboid & Lower/Mid Trap Exercise*



on my blog site: http://askthesamurai.blogspot.ca/

Thks for watching! Please SHARE, COMMENT, LIKE & SUBSCRIBE

Tuesday 16 August 2016

BEST HOME GYM and "FUNCTIONAL TRAINER" by INSPIRE, Full Exercises Manual & Workouts!



mobile website: www.thefitnessfixmontreal.com
BEST HOME GYM and "FUNCTIONAL TRAINER" by INSPIRE, Full Exercises Manual & Workouts. In the world of equipment, it is hard to know which machine to buy. I have tried many machines made by different companies. In this video, I thought you would like to see all the different exercises this versatile machine offers in the training manual.

The Functional Trainer FT1 machine by Inspire is a very interesting machine. It has many functional components and is aesthetically well made.

Sadly the pulley system still needs more length to do explosive movements.
Final grade of this machine:
8/10 due to lack of length of pulley system

Stay tuned as I rate the  CMJ-6000-2 Dual POD by HOIST!
Thks for watching... Please SHARE, COMMENT , LIKE & SUBSCRIBE!

Monday 15 August 2016

VLOGS no.2: (2016) How to Repurpose Old Shaker Cups & Jars - Smart Waste...

mobile website: www.thefitnessfixmontreal.com
VLOGS no.2: (2016) How to Repurpose Old Shaker Cups & Supplement Jars - Smart Waste Management & Recycling. In this video, I will show you how we can save our planet by recycling old supplement jars and shaker cups. We all need to do our part to save mother earth. Let's all do our part in this quest for a cleaner world ;) thks


Corrective Exercise for FHP /Upper Cross Syndrome - Strengthen Rhomboid ...

mobile website: www.thefitnessfixmontreal.com
Corrective Exercise for Forward  Head Posture/Upper Cross Syndrome - Strengthen Rhomboid & Lower/Mid Trap Exercise.
Here is a creative way to strengthen all the postural muscles of the upper body in one exercise.

The purpose of this exercise is to get the lower trap on the left side and all the muscles of the medial border of the right scapula on the right side. Please note: Do not strain your neck while doing this exercise. So respect the range of motion of each arm when performing this exercise.

Also please refer to my other posts on postural restoration to bring the upper body to neutral before performing this exercise:



on my blog site: http://askthesamurai.blogspot.ca/

Thks for watching! Please SHARE, COMMENT, LIKE & SUBSCRIBE!

Wednesday 10 August 2016

How to do a modified "STANDING SERRATUS SQUAT" (for people with limited range of motion)

Today's exercise How to do a modified "STANDING SERRATUS SQUAT" (for people with limited range of motion)

Today we are working with Pierre-Luc Hammon (bodybuilder - 2cd place at Quebec open 2016)

1- stand facing a wall with your feet shoulder-width apart and pointed forward.
2- bring both elbows to shoulder level, and then both arms at a 90 degree angle
3- keep your palms facing each other and press your elbows into the wall.
4- keeping your elbows pressed into the wall, round your back by tucking your bottom under you and begin cook squat by bending your knees.
5- without letting your arms move, continue to squat until your knees touch the wall. ( note that due to Pierre-Luc's flexibility we did not go all the way to the wall) Do not let your heels come off the floor you should feel the muscles underneath your shoulder blades and on the front of your thighs engage.
6- Hold position while you take four to five deep breaths, in through your nose and out through your mouth. Attempt to fill or expand your upper back with air on each inhalation.
7- Relax and repeat four more times.

Thanks for watching and make sure to go to the stretching Samurai YouTube channel for the full video.

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Saturday 6 August 2016

CITAZIONI SAMURAI di più e il modo di vivere

Un uomo, una volta mi ha detto che l'ignoranza è beatitudine. Anche se questo potrebbe essere vero in alcuni casi, non ho mai sentito di nessuno farsi strada nella vita sull'ignoranza.S.SAMURAI

* Sei un bicchiere mezzo pieno o mezzo vuoto tipo di persona? *

Nella vita, c'è una linea sottile tra ottimismo e pessimismo. Questo concetto può essere spesso una percezione degli individui capacità di mantenere una mente aperta.

* COME LA VIA DEL SAMURAI definisce la discriminazione *

Buddismo si sbarazza della mente discriminante. Non è niente di più di questo. Posso darvi un esempio in termini di guerriero. Il carattere cinese per "codardia" è fatta aggiungendo il carattere per "senso" al carattere radicale per "mente". Ora "significato" è "discriminazione" quando un uomo si attacca la discriminazione alla sua vera mente, Egli diventa un vigliacco.

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How to Warm-up Before your Workout : Specific Vs General Warm-up, What o...

mobile website: www.thefitnessfixmontreal.com
How to Warm-up Before your Workout : GYM Specific Vs General Warm-up, What one is the Best? I tell my clients that generally warm ups are at the discretion of the person. The point of a warm up is to get the body ready for physical activity, increase core temperature and prepare joints and articulations for exercise. I find that both methods work very well prior to a training session.

Option 1#
You perform ballistic movements in a three-dimensional pattern 5-10min (Ex:Spiral Patterns by Robert McAtee from the book "Facilitated Stretching ") followed by a specific warm-up example push-ups before doing your bench press.

Option 2#
You step on a cardiovascular machine and warm up 5 to 10 minutes at 40 to 50% of your VO2 max. Then proceed to your training program and at this point perform warm up sets with an empty bar before your bench press.

Karvonen Formula for Option 2: 220-Age- RHR X 40-50% Vo2 max + RHR=  Perfect Warm-up heart Rate!

Overall, I love both methods and they are at the discretion of the individual himself. In the end, a warm-up should always be done for all the reasons mentioned above.

Thks for Watching! Please Share, Like , Comment & SUBSCRIBE ;)


Pour cette explication "court" simplement s'asseoir sur une marche de 6 "avec les pieds ensemble.
¤assurez-vous que vous êtes assis en retroversion avec vos os du bassin sur la marche.
¤ inspirez par le nez souffler lentement dans le ballon.
¤ pause 3 secondes avec votre langue sur le dessus du toit de la bouche et de prendre une autre respiration par le nez.
¤ souffler lentement à nouveau comme vous stabilisez le ballon avec la main et assurez-vous que vous ne tendez votre cou ou les joues que vous soufflez. ¤ après le 4ème souffle, pincer le cou du ballon et le retirer de votre bouche et laisser sortir l'air du ballon.

1-Coucher vous sur le dos sur vos pieds en à 90degrees sur le mur avec un "ballon de 4-6 entre vos genoux
2- Avec votre bassin en retroversion  de 10 degrés vers le haut tout en appliquant une pression sur les deux talons pour soulever le bassin du sol. Ne pas appuyer sur le mur
3- Lever le bras droit afin d'inhiber le dos(latissimus dorsi)
4- La respiration par le nez que vous vous sentez le côté droit de votre paroi moulée et à la poitrine élargir
5- Expirez par la bouche Gentillement et rappelez-vous de ne pas respirer par le cou, mais à travers le diaphragme.
6- Répétez quatre à cinq respirations et un à trois ensembles au besoin.

Note à tous, ces exercices sont effectués à l'aide d'un ballon, mais si votre client ne peut pas sauter encore un ballon, font de lui pratiquer sans un.

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La voie du SAMURAI de rester au-dessus de la concurrence dans la vie!

Comment un SAMURAI peut être inférieur ou supérieur à un autre? ... Avec de la conviction dans ses vœux!

1-Ne pas être surpassés dans les règles du Bushido (The Way of the Samurai).
2 Pour être de bon usage à son maître
3 Pour être Filial à ses parents
4 Pour manifester une grande compassion, et d'agir pour le bien de l'homme.

Si l'on consacre ces quatre vœux aux dieux et les bouddhas tous les matins, il aura la force de deux hommes et ne sera jamais glisser vers l'arrière

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EXPAND settimanalmente mente con la Stretching Samurai Blog (chiedere al samurai@blogspot.com)

EXPAND settimanalmente mente con la Stretching Samurai Blog (chiedere al samurai@blogspot.com)
C'è sempre qualcosa di nuovo da imparare all'orizzonte. Il corpo è vasto universo pieno di scoperte ...

Partenza e Iscriviti al nostro canale YouTube '' stretching Samurai '' Grazie e che Dio vi benedica



Это довольно стандартный Deadlift. Я сделал это видео, чтобы показать ключевые элементы в Rehabbing и воссоздание нервных связей с ориентирами в организме.

Первое, что вы заметите, это размещение стопы при запуске его становой тяге. В последнее время на YouTube, это было известно как азиатские приседания.

Вторая контрольная точка, чтобы заметить это правая рука супинации рукоятка. Его правое плечо, находясь в восходящем вращения, отлично подходит для усиления в нисходящем вращения слабых мышц вокруг этой лопатки.

И, наконец, последние две ключевые ориентиры. Как он выполняет его повторений, он фокусируется на опорных точек в его футы. На левой ноге, он должен Сосредоточиться на середине позиции и пятки толчка. В то время как на правой ноге, он должен сосредоточиться на внутренней Arch с помощью медиальной границы его ногой. Таким образом, не создавая контралатеральной или ипсилатерального вращения при выполнении его становой тяге.

#stretching #Montreal #McGill #samurai #mobility #posture #training #fitness #lefitnessfix #meditation #relaxation #inner #mentra #uqam #powerlifting #rehabilitation #gymlife #bodybuilding #GYM #leg #squats #pain #injury #legs #back #workout #armday #squat #hip #hypertrophy

Thursday 4 August 2016

GENERAL WARM-UP VS SPECIFIC WARM-UP... Which one is the best?


Today's question came from a client of mine. Before a training session most of us either do a general warm-up or a specific warm-up. Which one in your opinion is the best one to use in the gym?

I told my client that generally warm ups are at the discretion of the person. The point of a warm up is to get the body ready for physical activity, increase core temperature and prepare joints and articulations for exercise. I find that both methods work very well prior to a training session.

Option 1#
You perform ballistic movements in a three-dimensional pattern 5-10min (Ex:Spiral Patterns by Robert McAtee from the book "Facilitated Stretching ") followed by a specific warm-up example push-ups before doing your bench press.

Option 2#
You step on a cardiovascular machine and warm up 5 to 10 minutes at 40 to 50% of your VO2 max. Then proceed to your training program and at this point perform warm up sets with an empty bar before your bench press. Karvonen Formula for Option 2: 220-Age- RHR X 40-50% Vo2 max + RHR=  Perfect Warm-up heart Rate!

Overall, I love both methods and they are at the discretion of the individual himself. In the end, a warm-up should always be done for all the reasons mentioned above.

#stretching #Montreal #McGill #samurai #mobility #posture #training #fitness #lefitnessfix #meditation #relaxation #inner #mentra #uqam #powerlifting #rehabilitation #gymlife #bodybuilding #GYM #leg #squats #pain #injury #legs #back #workout #armday #squat #hip #hypertrophy

Monday 1 August 2016

GoPro Quik App Review/Test Footage ''Slice & Action'' Themes (COOL VIDEO...

mobile website : www.thefitnessfixmontreal.com
GoPro Quik App Review/Test Footage ''Slice & Action'' Themes (COOL VIDEOS) :Amazing -Promo Videos. I sometimes use the ''Quik' app from GoPro. You have some cool themes and many special effects. Here is a little promotional video i made with the app...


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