Troubleshoot guide
Today there is a lot of information on
nutrition. Opinions will differ from author to author. Here are a few tips from
some of my favorite Authors : Tudor Bompa and Paul Chek. How about a little
Troubleshoot guide on Pre and Post Workout snacks.
Q.How much protein should I take a day?
A.(1.2 to 2 gr/kg) It depends on what phase of the program you're in, Hypertrophy may be around (1 to 1.2gr/kg) and Strength MXS(2gr/kg)
A.(1.2 to 2 gr/kg) It depends on what phase of the program you're in, Hypertrophy may be around (1 to 1.2gr/kg) and Strength MXS(2gr/kg)
Q.What should I take before a workout?
A.Make a Protein Shake (50 to 60 ounce)and add Banana and Berries.
-Drink 10 to 15 ounces of the mix before the workout (30mins before)
-If your taking Caffeine or Pre-Workout, its better to take it as the training starts(to avoid an energy crash!)
Q.What should I take after the workout?
A.Immediatly after, you may take a yogurt to bring back the balance of the body from a negative to a positive((MacDougall and Al.,1995)
-Then take sips of the rest of the shake following the session.
Q.What if my stress Level(Cortisol) is too
high what supplements are available?
A.Glycine by AOR or Cortistab by OAC.
A.Glycine by AOR or Cortistab by OAC.
Q.What should I have for a Pre-Game meal?
A-->A Full meal 3 to 4 hour before the game but no fruits or processed foods and It should respect your Metabolic Type!
A-->A Full meal 3 to 4 hour before the game but no fruits or processed foods and It should respect your Metabolic Type!
Q.Should I have Caffeine on game day?
A.Beware of caffeine on game day as it may dehydrate you and weaken your performance!
A.Beware of caffeine on game day as it may dehydrate you and weaken your performance!
Q.How much Gatorade should I drink?
A.150ml / 20min activity
A.150ml / 20min activity
Q.After a game how much water should I
A.1.5liters/kg of weight loss
A.1.5liters/kg of weight loss
Q.After a game how much Carbohydrates
should I eat?
A.1gr /kg or .45 X weight in pds
A.1gr /kg or .45 X weight in pds
-Now as far as yogurt goes,Paul Chek recommends avoiding yogurts with fruit added as sugar is also added to the mix.Second the fruit added may also be over-ripened or too damaged to sell in the stores!(Eat,Move and be healthy! .,Paul Chek)
So the tip is: go organic on this one! I like ''Kefir'' its not a bad brand
-ALCOHOL is NOT to be taken 24 to 36 hours
before a game!
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